Exhibitions at Stevns Folklore Museum
Stevns Folklore Museum is one of Denmark’s smallest museums, but notheless, it has three separate exhibition areas: Folklore, The Elf Hill and the King Hall.
Folklore at Stevns Folklore Museum
The museum’s current permanent exhibition focuses on the Stevns folklore tradition, more specifically, some of the most famous of the peninsula’s legends, where the Cliff King is probably the area’s most famous. The local legends form the framework for an exhibition that will continuously develop to also deal with Danish and Nordic folk tales. At the same time, the ambition is that the exhibition will develop in an international light through parallels to folklore from selected foreign areas.
Experience legends through all the senses
At the museum, it is possible to see, feel and sense selected legends from Stevns. In the viewing boxes you can look in and experience scenes from a number of our favorite legends from Stevns. You can also experience the bog wife’s brew, the golden horse shoe from Kongegraven or get an insight into Klintekongen’s two homes – his cave at Stevns Klint or the chamber in Skt. Katherina Church. The ‘feel’ boxes in the corner let you stick your hand directly into the secrets of the fairy tales and feel selected on objects that relate to the stories.
The exhibition is designed by Cæcilie Else Telling.
The Elf Hill
‘The magic of Elverhøj’ is a sensory exhibition and experience play area at the Folklore Museum. The exhibition, designed by local designer Cæcilie Telling from Telling Designs will be a call to imagination and will allow anyone who enters to imagine what the inside of the famous Elf Mound looks like. Primarily targetted at children, the experience area will allow children to experience Elverhøj with all the senses – visual, audio and smell.
Room design – Cæcilie Telling
Text and interpretation – Aleksandra Olsen
Illustrations – Cæcilie Telling and Igor Kryuchkov
The exhibition and play area was supported by Nordea Fonden and Udvikling Stevns.
The King’s Hall
The King’s Hall is a multi-purpose exhibition room that allows guests to delve deeper into folk tale knowledge through our libary of folk tales, video presentations and temporary exhibitions. There is also an opportunity to go on a folk tale treasure hunt using the map of Stevns as basis.
Last temporary exhibition (new exhibition coming soon!)
The previous temporary exhibition 8/22 to 5/24 was the magical photoexhibition ‘Creatures from Stevns’, which presents photos taken in the nature of Stevns by photographer Christine Louw. Each photo is a story of a nature being and you can also read a short story or hear the creatures speak at the museum.
Visit Christine’s website for inspiration: